Sister Nivedita School follows SSC syllabus (Class I to X) and is recognized by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. The medium of instruction is English and the school adopts three national language plan i.e. state language (Telugu), national language (Hindi) and of course English. The school runs primary, middle and high school sections. The school has an exclusive kindergarten wing "The Play-School" housing Nursery, LKG and UKG Classes.
The medium of instruction is English. The school has adopted SSC syllabus.
The Subjects offered are as follows:
Pre-Primary Classes :
Nursery - Orals only.
LKG - English, Number work, GK, Rhymes.
UKG - English, Number work, GK, Rhymes.
Primary & Higher classes: : Telugu (I Lang.)/Spl. English. Hindi (II Lang.). English (III Lang.) General Science, Mathematics, Social Studies.
Extra Curricular Activities & Special Talent Classes:While the main emphasis is on studies the school gives importance to physical education and extra-curricular activities also. Apart from games and sports, the schools will conduct sessions for music & dance, painting, karate etc.
Houses : The children are grouped into Four Houses to foster keen and healthy competition in all aspects of their school life.
Moral values : The school endeavors to imbibe moral values in students in the form of story-reading, story-telling and assembly programs.
Monthly Activities for Students: An activity is held each month like Handwriting, Recitation, Reading, Elocution, and Quiz. Story telling and Rhymes recitation are for Pre-primary classes.
Quiz : Quiz sessions are held for Primary & Secondary schools every week.